Personal Development

Relationship Social and Health Education

The aim of our Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) curriculum is to prepare the children for the future, both in education and in life. Our curriculum has deep and broad coverage and content and is brought to life through rich and vibrant cultural experiences – the cultural capital. RSHE is an integral aspect of our curriculum and one that encompasses all   core values; to give children the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to be caring people, responsible citizens and to lead healthy lives. At Diss High School, students follow a curriculum based on PSHE Association’s Programme of Study of which are in line with current DFE advice and guidance.

The Intent of RSHE

Diss High recognises the vital role that effective RSHE plays within the personal development of all students. We are very aware that children and young people are growing up in an increasingly complex world and living their lives on and offline, as well as engaging and being exposed to different relationships. This presents positive and exciting opportunities, but also presents a variety of challenges and risks. Students are joining a competitive world and will need to work hard to be successful citizens. In this environment, children and young people need to know how to be safe and healthy, and how to manage their academic, personal and social lives in a positive way – as stated by DFE.

The intent of our RSHE curriculum is to deliver a curriculum which is accessible to all and ensures that each of our pupils will know how to play a positive and successful role within our society, both as a child and as an adult in the future. Our aim is to provide pupils with a knowledge of their world, locally, nationally and globally and give them confidence to tackle many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of an ever-changing society. We aim to provide our children with opportunities to learn about rights and responsibilities, appreciating what it means to be a member of a diverse society. Moreover, our pupils are encouraged to develop their sense of self-worth by playing a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community. Our pupils will also be given the opportunity to explore themselves, their emotions, what is meant by mental wellbeing and develop ways to promote positive mental health.

Implementation of RSHE

At Diss High – we study RSHE under the below three themes: linking with the PSHCE Association Guidance:

  1. Living in the Wider World
  2. Health and Well-being
  3. Relationships


All students will have content delivered through tutor session, discrete lesson and enrichment days as well as being embedded in other subjects’ curriculum. During tutor time topics are discussed/taster topics that are then talked about and learnt in more depth in lessons, this is then cemented by enrichment events throughout the school year from guess speakers and RSHE workshops held by staff.

In line with DFE (2020) statutory requirements, we ensure that relationships, sex and health education is prioritised within the curriculum and in enrichment assemblies and activities; including links with mental health and well-being education and securing inclusive provision for our most vulnerable SEND and disadvantaged students.

The curriculum is progressive in order to reflect the ‘stage and age’ of students within Year 7 to 13 covering more complex topics at appropriate times in their development. Delivery of RSE themes is supported by a range of curriculum areas who cover key strands within their subjects. In line with DFE expectations (2020) these RSE themes ‘should be taught sensitively and inclusively, with respect to the backgrounds and beliefs of pupils and parents while always with the aim of providing pupils with the knowledge they need of the law’.

The impact of RSHE  

Whilst the impact of many areas of personal development provision is difficult to measure, we believe that our RSHE provision and inclusive delivery plays a vital role in enabling the overwhelming majority of our students reach their next steps and become well-informed, productive and successful members of their communities and a global society. Destinations data supports this belief and indicates that 90% of students were successful in gaining their chosen ‘next steps’.

As a result of the knowledge and understanding gained within both the curriculum and enrichment opportunities, the vast majority of students work productively within the school’s inclusive ethos and are able to develop as person as well as a pupil; demonstrating the positive personal and social attributes described within our curriculum Intent / Aims section both as a current student and within the next stages of their personal development journey.

How can I help my child?

  • Discuss the themes covered
  • Encourage extended learning through research of the topics
  • Ask about the lessons, Feedback is welcomed.


Studying Careers allows you to explore personal relationships and social health issues. It helps to develop skills, knowledge and understanding that would essential to career within all aspects of social care careers. The following jobs require a broad understanding of RSHE studies: Youth worker, councillor, social worker, teacher and nursing.


Religious Education:

The aim of our Religious Education (RE) curriculum is to prepare the children for the future, both in education and in life. RE is an integral aspect of our curriculum and one that encompasses all core values; to give children the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to be caring people and responsible citizens. At Diss High School, students follow a curriculum based on Norfolk agreed syllabus agreed with SACRE which are in line with current DFE advice and guidance.  

  • We want our students to be critical and reflective thinkers who consider the views of others and formulate their own views.
  • We want students to gain the knowledge, understanding and skills to consider questions raised by religion and belief.
  • We want to develop students’ capacity to ask and consider challenging questions about how people think and live their lives.
  • We want students to understand what a worldview is and develop their own worldview throughout their time at school.
  • All this should develop an understanding of others and an aptitude for dialogue so that students can participate positively in our diverse society.


Religious Education aims to ask challenging questions about topics such as the meaning and purpose in life, beliefs, issues of right and wrong and what it means to be human.  Students will learn about increasingly complex topics and questions as they progress through the curriculum. Pupils learn to think about and evaluate the value of wisdom from different sources, to develop and express their views and to agree or disagree respectfully.  Students should learn systematic knowledge and understanding of a range of religions and beliefs, enabling them to develop their ideas, values and identities.

 The study of RE is a statutory requirement for all students. It promotes religious literacy, makes students aware of the world around them and incorporates British Values into their everyday learning. The subject provides significant opportunities for academic learning and skills such as; research, forming academic arguments, evaluating, essay writing and debate. The skills taught complement their overall learning and will help them to access additional learning in other curriculum areas such as English, History and Geography. The intent is to develop academic skills, whilst also providing students with a platform to explore social, moral, spiritual and cultural issues and to decide for themselves how they respond to these. It will also provide students with cultural capital that can be used later in life.

 The RE curriculum will help to develop responsibility and respect for all aspects of diversity, whether it be social, cultural and religious, and prepare pupils well for life in modern Britain.

The overarching concepts for ‘Religious Studies’ at Diss High School are:

  • Personal growth – developing compassion and empathy
  • Stewardship – caring for all creation
  • Respect – showing tolerance of others beliefs, opinions and cultures
  • Asking Big Questions – communicating effectively and listening to others
  • Morality – understanding right from wrong, accepting rules and boundaries
  • Courageous Advocacy – challenging injustice by standing up for the rights of others and values and to develop positive attitudes of respect towards other people;
  • Enrichment - enhancing their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.


Learning is embedded through the development of knowledge and skills over time. This is based on the Norfolk Agreed Syllabus 2019-2024.

In line with DFE (2020) statutory requirements, we ensure that religious education is prioritised within the curriculum and in enrichment assemblies: including links to contemporary philosophical and ethical concerns while securing inclusive provision for our most vulnerable SEND and disadvantaged students.

All students will have content delivered through tutor session, discrete lesson and enrichment days as well as being embedded in other subjects’ curriculum. During tutor time topics are discussed/taster topics that are then talked about and learnt in more depth in lessons, this is then cemented by enrichment events throughout the school year from guess speakers and RSHE workshops held by staff.

The curriculum is progressive in order to reflect the ‘stage and age’ of students within Year 7 to 13 covering more complex topics at appropriate times in their development. Delivery of RSE themes is supported by a range of curriculum areas who cover key strands within their subjects. In line with DFE expectations (2020) these RSE themes ‘should be taught sensitively and inclusively, with respect to the backgrounds and beliefs of pupils and parents while always with the aim of providing pupils with the knowledge they need of the law’.


Whilst the impact of many areas of personal development provision is difficult to measure, we believe that our RE provision and inclusive delivery plays a vital role in enabling the overwhelming majority of our students to become well-informed, empathetic members of their communities and a global society. As a result of the knowledge and understanding gained within both the curriculum and enrichment opportunities, the vast majority of students work productively within the school’s inclusive ethos and are able to develop as person as well as a pupil; demonstrating the positive philosophical, ethical and social attributes described within our curriculum Intent / Aims section both as a current student and within the next stages of their personal development journey.

How can I help my child?

  • Discuss the themes covered
  • Encourage extended learning through research of the topics
  • Ask about the lessons, Feedback is welcomed.


Studying theology and religions allows you to explore how religious beliefs and practices shape and influence the world we live in. It helps to develop skills, knowledge and understanding that would help in the following careers:

 directly related to your studies:

Jobs where your studies would be useful include:


Careers Education, Information Advice and Guidance

A young persons’ career is their pathway through learning and work. All young people need a planned programme of activities to help them make post 16 choices that are right for them and equip them with the skills needed to manage their careers throughout their lives. Diss High is currently working to fulfil the ‘8 Gatsby Benchmarks’.


At Diss High, we believe that the curriculum offer should encourage students to be ambitious for themselves and to work on overcoming barriers, so they achieve a bright future. The best way to prepare our young people for the future is to ensure all our pupils have access to educational experiences, tailored to individual need which supports their next steps post-16 and 18. Through the Careers Education Programme, the school aims to support and assist pupils to:

  1. Assess their potential in respect of abilities, interests and needs/values.
  2. Develop their ability to make an informed choice about further education/ employment that is achievable, realistic and sustainable for their future.
  3. Be aware of a range of life and occupational opportunities in a context of social and economic change.
  4. Navigate transition by providing familiarisation visits, exposing them to alternative environments and assisting them towards the independence required to access these provisions.


The above aims are delivered through a variety of methods, including but not limited to:

  • Curriculum delivery through RSHE lessons and subject specific content.
  • Visits to colleges, universities and training providers.
  • Visiting speakers.
  • Assemblies.
  • Work experience.
  • Drop-in opportunities both with school-based staff and external advisers.

All students will have content delivered through tutor sessions, discrete lessons and enrichment days as well as being embedded in other subjects’ curriculum. During tutor time topics are discussed/taster topics that are then talked about and learnt in more depth in lessons, this is then cemented by enrichment events throughout the school year from guess speakers and RSHE workshops held by staff.

The KS3 CEIAG programme is focused on building on the knowledge of employment opportunities, local market information and the financial education through sessions in tutor time and assemblies.

Year 10 and 11 pupils will be given CEIAG through dropdown days and discrete sessions. They will have interactions with a variety of people from different careers fields and workplaces. Pupils will also begin visiting colleges and training providers from their locality to give them a full understanding of what opportunities for education and training are available. Pupils will also study the local labour market in depth, this is to deepen their understanding and help them to make an informed choice about future careers.

Year 11 pupils will begin the application process for the next steps in their education whether it be continuing education at sixth form, college or with a training provider, through the apprenticeship scheme or securing suitable employment. Pupils will continue to explore opportunities for all the above through encounters with employers, advice from tutors and the careers lead and through their ever-developing knowledge of the local labour market. Pupils will have the opportunity to experience mock interviews with education and training providers as well as industry professionals. This is to prepare them for real life experiences and to give them an understanding of how the job application process works.

 In addition to the above, pupils will be offered the opportunity to visit and experience a University setting providing them with an idea of what further opportunities exist beyond college and training.

Our curriculum plan is based on the Gatsby benchmarks listed below:

  • A stable careers programme.
  • Learning from career and labour market information.
  • Addressing the needs of each pupil.
  • Linking curriculum learning to careers.
  • Encounters with employers and employees.
  • Experiences of workplaces.
  • Encounters with further and higher education.
  • Personal guidance.

The careers programme is designed to meet the individual needs of students at this school. It is differentiated and personalised to ensure progression through activities that are appropriate to students’ stages of learning and development. It will be integrated into students’ experience of the whole curriculum and be based on a partnership with students and their parents or carers. The programme will promote equality of opportunity, diversity and inclusion.


  • Students will make an informed decision about Post 16 and 18 options relevant to their area of interest, abilities, and strengths.
  • Students will have an in-depth knowledge of opportunities available in Industry within their local and surrounding area(s)
  • SEND Students will have completed familiarisation visits to their identified Post 16 provider and have developed links with key staff that will support them when they begin, supporting sustainability and ensuring their individual needs are being met. Aiding sustainability in chosen provision.
  • Students will have developed independence skills in completing applications and having interviews, preparing them for further applications and interviews.
  • Students will have an in depth understanding and knowledge of all Post 16 and 18 providers and their offer, allowing them to be able to identify their own career path.
  • Students will have had workplace encounters; they will understand what it is like to work in a variety of settings and expectations.
  • Students, Parents/Carers and School staff will have worked together to ensure a holistic approach to supporting the student's journey through to Post 16 and 18 providers.

How can I help my child?

  • talk about their career ideas and future plans
  • research various careers ( large amount of information is available on the careers section of the school website).
  • know about options available in education, employment and training
  • discuss ideas and options with your child
  • find out about training, college, and university entrance requirements as well as what is needed for jobs they are interested in
  • develop their skills by taking part in clubs and activities, both within and outside of school - this will help them when they are applying for courses or jobs
  • find out about the world of work through work experience and extra-curricular activities by talking to relatives and family friends about the kinds of work they do


Studying Careers allows you to explore the skills needed to shape and develop your future within the world of work. It helps to develop skills, knowledge and understanding that would essential to any career. The following jobs require a broad understanding of career development: Careers Advisor, personnel recruitment and teaching.