Financial Support
Student Finances - Help and Support
Bursary funds are available to support students’ education in sixth form. Our full policy is given below, but in summary, students can apply for two types of support:
Cash Bursary
Students who are either in care, care leavers, or receiving Income Support, Universal Credit,Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payments,can apply for a cash bursary of up to £1,200 per annum.
Discretionary Bursary
Students receiving free school meals, living in a household where the total gross income is less than £30,000 per annum, or who feel there are other significant obstacles to their education, can apply for a discretionary bursary. These bursaries are usually not cash-based but can provide you with access to educational visits, books and equipment loans and help with transport costs.
We encourage applications to be submitted by 30th September at which point funds will be allocated based on need by the Bursary Committee. However, the Bursary Committee will consider applications throughout the academic year.
It is important to realise that funds are limited and eligibility does not guarantee funding, but if you meet the criteria, please make an application. Read the policy document to find more details about how the scheme works and complete an application form.
You may be able to apply to Norfolk County Council for support with your travel costs. You can access their web site here:Post 16 Travel Scheme
Free School Meals
You may be entitled to free school meals. We have a cashless system in Sixth Form which operates by a card. The card is credited every day with the free school meal daily allowance. You can also top the card up yourself if required. You can download a free school meals application form here: Free School Meals Application Form